Yarndale 2018 - crocheters dream
This was my first trip to Yarndale and it exceeded all my expectations and beyond. I described the trip afterwards to my friends as unbelievably awesome, incomprehensible staggering!
I hope that at least some of my feelings as described above can be found below.
I had been following this event from the social media for few years and I remember thinking that some day I will go there. It was February when I decided that I think no more, I go! What a good decision that was! I asked my husband if he wants to go with me and he did. So we traveled together to Yarndale. I booked the accommodation in Skipton and flights to London already in March.
We departed from Finland early on Thursday morning 27th of September. We flew to London via Copenhagen (note to myself: book direct flights next time). We arrived to London around 2 pm, local time. We had one night reservation at a hotel near to King`s Cross train station. We dropped our luggage to the hotel and had a traditional fish and chips experience in the nearest pub.
I hope that at least some of my feelings as described above can be found below.
I had been following this event from the social media for few years and I remember thinking that some day I will go there. It was February when I decided that I think no more, I go! What a good decision that was! I asked my husband if he wants to go with me and he did. So we traveled together to Yarndale. I booked the accommodation in Skipton and flights to London already in March.
We departed from Finland early on Thursday morning 27th of September. We flew to London via Copenhagen (note to myself: book direct flights next time). We arrived to London around 2 pm, local time. We had one night reservation at a hotel near to King`s Cross train station. We dropped our luggage to the hotel and had a traditional fish and chips experience in the nearest pub.
After the dinner, we walked to Loop London yarn store. I had heard from my Finnish knitter friends that the Loop must be visited when traveling to London. I had of course chosen our hotel so that we were in a walking distance from the Loop. I was lucky to take part in Loops traditional Knit Night that evening. There were about 15 local knitters and me. A hooker from Finland.
It was quite exciting and fun evening. Although at times I didn´t understand what they talked about because they talked sooo fast and mainly about knitting. I recognized some designs that are hot also here in Tampere in the knitting circles. It was delightful to see that Laine Magazine
(Tampere´s gift to the Knitting World) was a big thing there too.
It was quite exciting and fun evening. Although at times I didn´t understand what they talked about because they talked sooo fast and mainly about knitting. I recognized some designs that are hot also here in Tampere in the knitting circles. It was delightful to see that Laine Magazine
(Tampere´s gift to the Knitting World) was a big thing there too.
On Friday we took a train from King´s Cross station (departure at noon) to Skipton (arrival 3 pm). I had reserved the train tickets also well in advance. The journey took three hours but it didn´t feel so long. The train was very comfortable and the scenery was breathtaking. So different than here in Finland. I didn´t crochet as much as I thought cause I couldn´t take my eyes of the view from the window. Of course one crochet shot in the train had to be taken :)
In Skipton we stayed at the Highfield Guest House which was very lovely and cozy. There was even fresh flower bouquet in the room, and I don´t know how but with my kind of colors! At arrival we enjoyed Guest Houses welcoming tray which included tea and cake. Of course the Guest House had also other guests that were coming to Yarndale. At the breakfast we changed thoughts about the upcoming weekend and next morning the experiences of the previous day.
In the evening we had a dinner at the Castle Inn restaurant with two wonderful ladies from USA. Patricia reached out to me before Yarndale by email and suggested that could we meet. I was of course delighted. She had some years ago visited Finland because of work. We had a great time talking about yarn and crochet and what to see in Yarndale. One of the best part of this hobby is that it unites people all around the world. Mainly through social media, but it also encourages to approach people and suggest a dinner together. Thank you Patricia!
In front of the Auction Mart there was more yarn installations and ah, those crochet hoops! Our home yard needs some hoops also! At the entrance there was this gorgeous granny bunting!
I seriously need more buntings to my life too!
From Instagram I had spotted that some crocheters are meeting and having a picnic on Saturday around noon in front of the Mart. I thought that I want to be there too and I was brave enough to invite myself to the picnic :) Well, I asked from Tamara @craftyescapism that can I come too. She said that of course, the more the merrier! That picnic was also the start for the Crochet Sockalong (#sockalong2018 #socktober #sockcal2018) which I am taking part in. Unfortunately I don´t have any pictures of the meet up, but I have a video (that I took for the IG stories). It was quite windy and chilly day but the atmosphere was warm. It was so interesting to see the crochet community in action. All those ladies live across the country (and even in USA) and this event was a chance for them to meet face to face. There was much joy, laughter and talk about crochet.
My kind of a community!
This lady had the most colorful spot! She is Ellen, lady behind Pollevie.
She drove to Yarndale from Netherlands, car full of crochet shawls and bags.
Her shawls and bags are just awesome! I think that these shawls would cheer up the Finnish scenery, specially in winter time. It´s so fantastic that there is a person like Ellen, bringing some (much!) color and joy all around with her crochet.
I haven´t seen anywhere else so many gorgeous crochet garments, superb crochet designers or lovely crocheters in one place. Well, this was my first yarn (crochet) based event outside Finland. Of course I have visited craft and knitting festivals here in Finland, but crochet is not so visible and well represented here than for example in Yarndale.

We had a good night sleep and long-awaited Saturday morning was there. From town to Skipton Auction Mart, where the Yarndale event was held, was about 25 minutes walk through a beautiful park which was guided by yarn bombs. All the lampposts covered with crochet and those buntings, so many buntings. Piece of art, I think. It was strange to see everything for real after seeing the pictures from past years. I had to pinch myself several times during the weekend.
Am I really here? Is this really happening?
Bye bye hubby! |
In front of the Auction Mart there was more yarn installations and ah, those crochet hoops! Our home yard needs some hoops also! At the entrance there was this gorgeous granny bunting!
I seriously need more buntings to my life too!
I was very excited beforehand about the chance to meet the woman behind Attic 24 -blog. Lucy´s blog was among the first blogs that I discovered when I was struck by crochet mania eight years ago. She is also one of the organizers of Yarndale. Of course I had to queue my turn to talk to Lucy. You can imagine how nervous I was. The situation was very unreal, to meet one of your idols. But I think I survived it quite well. We had a delightful chat, she is so warm and lovely lady.
In the evening I visited Coopers Cafe where Lucy's crochet studio is. The studio was open to visitors all weekend. At home I realized that I didn´t take any proper pictures of the studio, I was apparently too excited. At the Coopers I met Lucy again (a huge pinch myself moment again) and I met also her lovely friend Christine @winwickmum . If I ever want to knit pair of socks, I know who to turn to. Christine is a one super sock lady! My husband joined us for a glass of wine and we had a superb evening. Meeting Lucy and spending time with her was, no question about it, the highlight of my journey! Thank you Lucy your hospitality <3
My kind of a community!
After the picnic I and Tamara teamed up and explored Yarndale together. It´s amazing to meet a person and instantly feel connected. We had a blast! We spend also some time (a long time!) at the Scheepjes stand. We had some interesting conversations (another pinch my self moment!) with some of the Scheepjes bloggers, like Tatsiana (Lilla Björn Crochet), Matt (A Boy & Bunting), Susan (Felted Button) and Nerissa (Miss Neriss). Tamara also introduced me to ice cream called "99 flakes with sauce". From event like this you get so much more with a same minded crocheter. Thank you Tamara for you cheerful company on Saturday!
Tamara, me and Tatsiana |
Tamara, me and 99 flakes |
She drove to Yarndale from Netherlands, car full of crochet shawls and bags.
Her shawls and bags are just awesome! I think that these shawls would cheer up the Finnish scenery, specially in winter time. It´s so fantastic that there is a person like Ellen, bringing some (much!) color and joy all around with her crochet.
One person that I wanted to meet was Eleonora from @coastalcrochet. I felt very lucky because we bumped into each other on Sunday in front of Pollevies stand. Though it was a brief encounter it gave me so much joy and I feel that we could have talked for hours. Eleonora has designed seven Christmas decorations for Simpy Crochet magazine (no 75). She posted pictures to IG week before Yarndale, and I was like wow, just what I needed! I have a tradition to make Christmas decorations for family and friends and before Eleonoras post I didn´t have any idea what do. I was lucky to find exactly that magazine from the local bookstore.
I wish that some day I am able to visit at the south coast of England. It would be great to see the places from where Eleonora gets her inspiration for her crochet designs.
Perhaps there is a yarn event that I can travel to? ;)
Ellen, Eleonora and me |
I thought that I took lot of pictures but apparently I didn´t. Here are few captions. Next time I will have my husband as a photographer with me in the event itself. When I was overwhelmed by the yarn and the people he was exploring Skipton, the woods and the dales. Not forgetting the pubs. There was lot of pubs. Luckily my husband likes beer, a lot. As much as I like yarn :)
There was yarn, so many beautiful skeins of yarn. I didn´t have any special shopping list with me. This journey to Yarndale for me was above all about the atmosphere, meeting same minded people and source of inspiration. And oh my, how much inspiration! Everywhere! I stopped people in the corridors and asked what they had on, the pattern and the yarn. I had my "to crochet -list" before I went to Yarndale but there that list got way bigger. Now, back home, I have organised my list and I know what to do in the upcoming months. I think I need to reduce my sleeping time...
Here is my haul
-project bag and The Uncommon Thread skein from Loop
-one skein from Vicki Brown Designs
-three skeins form Truly Hooked
-two skeins from Beehive Yarns
-two skeins from John Arbon Textiles
-two crochet magazines
-Everyday Wearables booklet from Crochet Project
-Yarndale bag
-Yarndale notebook
-miniskein and pins as a gift from Crochet Luna
Here is one happy and pleased crocheter after Yarndale!
What can I say about Skipton? I wish I had more time to explore the town, but I can say after a brief visit that Skipton is oh, so adorable town. I think I left a piece of my heart there. The surroundings were like from those British tv-shows that we watch here is Finland. The canal that runs through the town is just so beautiful. Everything is in a walking distance. The people are friendly and lovely.
After those very exciting days at Yarndale I had still energy to go for a walk to the woods and the dales. I am so happy that I did! I don´t have words to describe the feelings that I had when strolling around there. It was just amazing. So beautiful and peaceful. At times I felt like I was in a movie scene, the woods were like from Robin Hood and the dales were like from Jane Austen world.
Just awesome!

On Monday we departed early in the morning. We traveled back home all day, the journey took 15 hours. Can you believe me when I say that it was easy peasy? It didn´t feel long at all. All that I experienced, all the people that I met, all the things I saw, was totally worth it! I am sure that this will not be my last trip, I will travel for crochet and yarn in the future too, to Yarndale or somewhere else.
Thank you Yarndale and all the wonderful people that I met during this journey. You made this crocheters weekend unforgettable! I hope that we shall meet again some day!
Ps. thank you also to my husband who traveled with me and supports me and my crochet mania <3
Oh Heidi... what a wonderful blog post! Thank you so much for sharing your experiences... it was a fantastic weekend wasn’t it... I share your excitement and joy! It was the perfect place for crocheters for sure!! You are welcome to the south coast of England at anytime! It would be lovely to see you again...But there are no yarn festivals as big as Yarndale... ��❤️ xxx
ReplyDeleteThank you dear Eleonora, it is good hear that you liked my post :) One weekend like that gives a person so much energy and positive state of mind. I don´t need big yarn festival to come and visit the south coast, little one is also enough ;) Of just meeting you .... <3. Have a superb week!
DeleteHeidi I just loved reading this and the photos are fabulous. I felt like I was back at Yarndale with you again. It was such a happy time surrounded by wool and in the company of lovely people. I'm so so pleased we met and spent the afternoon together!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Tamara! I am happy that you liked it :) I am so happy that I have this passion for crochet and that it has led me to Yarndale and meeting you <3. Have a fabulous week!
DeleteHi, I just found your blog through Attic24 and I really enjoyed reading about your visit to Yarndale :) Unfortunately I have never visited Yarndale before, but would definitely like to some day!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your story and the lovely pictures.
Hi Femke, thank you for leaving a comment. So happy to hear that you liked my post. I can absolutely recommend Yarndale, it is worth the travel for sure!
DeleteWhat a wonderful visit! One day I will be there too! Thank you for the post and inspiration!
ReplyDeleteThank you Lene! I hope that you make the trip some day. It quite amazing!
DeleteI loved reading your post, Heidi, it was such a treat to meet you and your hubby at Yarndale and in Skipton and I hope that we'll get to meet up again another day! xx
ReplyDeleteThank you Christine! I hope too that we shall meet again some day <3
DeleteComing from Lucy's Attic24 blog. How great to be able to visit Yarndale and blog about it.Thanks for sharing. I love Finland. I have friends in Turku and Porvoo. I have travelled there.AriadnefromGreece!
ReplyDeleteHi Ariadne, thank you very much for stopping by at my blog. I am glad that you enjoyed the post. Also very happy to hear that you love Finland. Next time you visit Finland you should also visit Tampere :) I can be your tour guide!